Buying Without a Realtor Could Cost You a Lot of Money

In an age of Internet access, there’s certainly an abundance of information available to home buyers, which can often lead to a false sense of understanding and/or qualification and be detrimental for the buyer.

With all that information available it’s easy to see why a home buyer looking to buy a home in Colorado Springs, CO might ask the question “Why do I need a real estate agent when everything I need to buy a home is right here online and at my fingertips?”

The answer to that question lies in your wallet. Buying a home in Colorado Springs without a real estate agent could lead to some very costly mistakes in terms of:

  • Actual Home Condition
  • Financing
  • Legal Rights
  • Contractual Agreements

The Real Estate Group is a highly-skilled team of Realtors located in Colorado Springs that can not only help you find your next home but can save you money, help you avoid common pitfalls, lessen your burden, and help with every aspect of what is inarguably your largest financial purchase.

No Realtor Fee!

A lot of first-time buyers who are less experienced believe they will have to pay a realtor for their services. That’s not true. In fact, it’s the person selling the home that pays a commission to sell their home and that commission is split between the selling agent and your agent.

Say No to 20% Down

Did you know the 20% down payment is not a hard and fast rule? In fact, in 2018, the average down payment was only 13%, according to the National Association of Realtors®. If you didn’t know that, you might already be seeing how The Real Estate Group can help you save your on-hand cash.

You Don’t Have all the Information

With 15+ years experience, I have helped many buyers find homes in Colorado Springs and other nearby cities. I’ve visited countless neighborhoods and am very familiar with the good and bad of these communities, the reputations of builders, home inspectors, and home improvement companies, and in some cases, I’m even aware of properties that are available but unavailable to you on the Internet.

Not All Realtors Are Alike

As with any industry, you have people of every caliber working to make a living. However, with your biggest purchase, you can’t afford to not be working with one of the best real estate agents in Colorado Springs. As real estate professionals with many years of experience, we take our profession very seriously and work hard for our clients and always with a sense of urgency. Buying a home in Colorado Springs doesn’t have to be hard. Let us show you how we can help you purchase a new home and lessen the burden for you and your family.

The Real Estate Group

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